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9 Reasons Trumpets Are NOT Too Difficult (As People Say)

You will find many people who claim that the trumpet is the #1 hardest instrument to master, and I just don’t agree with that statement.

Before you totally write off the trumpet – you need to check my reasoning here!

#1 Trumpets Only Play One Tone at the Time

I have played the trumpet and the piano for many years, and when I just started out it was much easier for me to learn to play the trumpet well.

This was mainly because it was very quick for me to figure out how to read the notes sheets because I only have to focus on one note at a time.

On the piano, the guitar, and many other instruments you will have to play several notes at the same time, and that means you have to read several notes while you play.

This makes a big difference when you are new to an instrument as you were more quickly pick it up when you can focus entirely on creating a good stable sound on the instrument.

#2 There Are Only Three Buttons (Valves)

It only takes a few days to remember the fingering positions on the trumpet.

It’s easy to practice the scale from the lower C to the upper C, while you are on the bus, working, or doing anything else. As soon as you can memorize these notes, you will be able to play most melodies, and from here you will pick it up very quickly.

You will also note, that for each finger position, you can play all the natural tones. This means that you have like five or six tone she can play with the same finger setting.

#3 Vibrato Is Much Easier Than On Other Instruments

One of the first techniques you will need to learn, in order to play beautifully on the trumpet, is the vibrato.

Many people will have you believe that the vibrato on the trumpet is very difficult to master, but I would beg to differ. You just have to move your chin up and down a little bit.

This will automatically open and close the little space between your lips, and Viola! – There you have a beautiful vibrato!

I have also played the saxophone, and I actually use the same technique there.

#4 The Trumpet Does Not Need Assembling

As soon as you open the case, you are ready to go as soon as you have plugged the mouthpiece into the trumpet.

This is far from the case with clarinets, saxophones, and many other instruments where are you need to constantly assemble them every time you are ready to play.

You only need to take the trumpet apart, when you need to oil the valves or if you need to apply grease to the sliding tunes.

You will notice this big difference the next time you attend a classical concert. Pay attention to how many of the other musicians that need to turn up early in order to assemble the instrument.

The trumpeters don’t need to stress over this.

#5 You Don’t Need to Tune the Trumpet Every Time

This is another problem you will encounter with many other instruments, such as clarinets, violence, guitars etc.

On the trumpet, you don’t need to make sure it’s in June every time, because the tuning slide will be exactly where you left it.

Again, this is because you don’t need to take the instrument apart every time you are done practicing or playing on it. As is the case with for example the clarinet and the saxophone.

The only times you need to adjust the tuning on your trumpet is whenever you are playing together with the piano because pianos are typically slightly out of tune (or if you have taken the trumpet outside and it has gotten cold in the winter.)

#6 You Can Practice Everywhere (With a Mute!)

You might also think that it’s hard to find a good place to practice a trumpet, but that is also not true.

The fact is that you can insert a mute into the bell, and now you’re able to practice literally everywhere. You can get an apartment mute, that really takes the volume all the way down so it’s no louder than silent talking!

The mute can typically be stored inside the trumpet case, so you will always remember it (again, then you can practice everywhere!).

Many instruments sounds really poor when you add a mute, but the trumpet actually gains a really cool vintage sound that will remind you of popular trumpeters such as Louis Armstrong or Miles Davis!

#7 It Only Weighs Two Pounds!

The trumpet is pretty lightweight.

Few brass instruments and string instruments are as light as a trumpet. It only weighs around 2 pounds, and if you think that’s too much you can go with the cornet – it’s even lighter!

This means that even small kids can easily bring it to class or to school, and it’s not a big deal if you have to walk a long distance with the trumpet.

Also, when you need to stand up and play the trumpet it’s also not a big deal. You can easily carry the trumpet for half an hour without getting tired in your arms.

#8 You Can Watch The Note Sheet AND The Fingers Simultaneously

When you are a new beginner, you need to focus on the finger positioning. This is pretty easy on the trumpet, because you can do so while you are looking at the note sheet.

You just make sure to point the trumpet toward the note sheet, and you will be able to glance right over your fingers so you can see exactly what they are doing (while also looking at the note sheet).

When you are learning the saxophone, the flute, or the clarinet, etc. you will typically need to practice in front of a mirror to get the fingering positions right.

That makes it pretty hard to also focus on the tones and the music sheet!

#9 Learn The Buzzing Sound In a Few Weeks

The number one thing that is hard for most people is to master the buzzing sound from your lips in order to generate that sweet trumpet sound.

Here I have a secret trick that I have used to teach my mom how to play the trumpet!

You just need to learn how to make this buzzing sound with your lips without pressing the mouthpiece against your lips.

Here’s an excellent little two minute video that shows you exactly how to do that:

When you watch this video you will quickly see how the guy here simply presses his lips together and blows.

Much like you would do if you had a hair stuck between your lips.

Once you master this little exercise you will be able to play beautifully on the trumpet within a few weeks or a month.

It is actually not as hard as people want it to be.

You just need to practice this simple little exercise over and over again on the bus or wherever you have a few minutes every day.

And there you have it. Nine reasons why the trumpet is not so difficult, and with these tips, you will be well on the way to become a true master of the trumpet!