If you are an experienced professional trumpet player, you might have heard of Monette trumpets.
They are well-known for being the most expensive trumpet brand, but are they worth their price tag?
Let’s talk about the cost of Monette trumpets and whether they are worth buying:
Here’s an Idea of How Much Monette Trumpets Cost:
Monette trumpets are much more expensive than other brands. They have developed a high reputation for their unique design and high quality. Because each Monette trumpet is custom-built, they have a price range of $10,000 to $20,000. The high-end Monettes could cost up to $50,000.
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Monette Trumpets & Reputation:
Many well-known trumpet players have loved Monette horns.
They are costly, so only professional players buy them.
If you can afford to buy a Monette trumpet, it can be worth the price. Monette has been dedicated to quality for decades and doesn’t have many bad reviews.
Monette trumpets have a high price tag because they are custom-made. You won’t find them in any music stores or on Amazon.
If you want a Monette, you’ll need to order directly from their website.
Each Monette trumpet takes an average of 150 hours to make. They aren’t mass-produced like other trumpet brands. If you decide to buy a Monette, you’ll notice a difference in quality.
Even though Monette trumpets are 5 to 10 times more expensive than other trumpet brands, their quality is unmatched. They have great intonation, clarity, and tone that is well worth the price.
Are Monette Trumpets Thought Of as Expensive Trumpets?
Monette trumpets are one of the most expensive brands you can buy. These trumpets are each handmade and have a stellar reputation from professional trumpet players.
A brand-new Monette trumpet that is the best in the line could cost up to $50,000. This is much more expensive than a typical professional trumpet.
A standard professional trumpet starts at around $2,500. Monette trumpets generally have a price range of $10,000 to $20,000.
One reason that these horns are so expensive is that they are in high demand. Each Monette trumpet is custom-built for the buyer. The waiting list for a Monette trumpet lasts for over a year.
Some professional players say that the quality of Monette trumpets is unmatched. Even though Monettes are 5 to 10 times more expensive than a Bach Stradivarius, many people think it is worth the price.
Monette is known for its custom mouthpieces. Each mouthpiece is specially designed to have a consistent timbre and resistance so that you can have great intonation.
Their new mouthpiece design, Resonance, is made to order. You can choose from their different styles to have the best mouthpiece for your needs.
Monette mouthpieces are also much more expensive than other brands. The Resonance mouthpiece has a price range of $275 to $360.
To see a tour of how Monette mouthpieces are made, check out this video:
How Do They Compare to Similar Trumpet Brands?
Monette trumpets are very high quality, and some professional players say that they are worth the price.
Wynton Marsalis, a renowned trumpet player, played on a Monette PRANA 3 STC. He thought it was well-balanced, centered, and harmonized.
According to Marsalis, Monette trumpets are easy to play.
You can hear Marsalis playing on his new Monette in this video:
In the early 1980s, Charles Schlueter was the principal trumpet player of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
He didn’t love his current primary instrument, a Bach trumpet.
Once Schlueter played on a Monette prototype, he never went back to Bach. Even though Monette was beginning its career as a prominent trumpet manufacturer, they were already producing top-of-the-line horns.
Dave Monette created the Monette brand to fix problems that he heard in other trumpets. He never liked the brightness of their sound and sought to change this.
Monette trumpets are now known for their textured, layered sound. This sound is unique for trumpet playing and is unmatched by other brands.
Trumpets commonly have problems in keeping a consistent pitch over their full range. Monette experimented with different designs to fix this problem.
Monette trumpets have a unique weight, thickness, length, and size. This produces a dark, rich sound that has a centered intonation for every note.
Their mouthpieces are unique as well. Monette has developed an innovative mouthpiece design to perform better than other brands. Each mouthpiece has a constant pitch center which helps a player make a consistent sound with great intonation.
Monette claims that other mouthpieces have too much compression. Octaves are compressed with a normal mouthpiece, producing a flat C, and a sharp low C. Players must compensate using tension.
With a reinvented mouthpiece, Monette allows players to forget about using tension to manipulate their mouthpiece. They can take full and effortless breaths and focus on playing better.
How Much Should You Pay For a Used Monette Trumpet?
You won’t find many used Monette trumpets for sale.
Because they are custom-built for each player, not many people are willing to give them up.
Monette trumpets are very expensive and have a great reputation. If you want your own Monette, you will likely have to buy one new.
This is an expensive option, but you’ll receive a trumpet that Monette made specifically for you.
If you manage to find a used Monette for sale, it’s best to pay less than $10,000 for it. Because it is pre-owned, it should cost around $5,000.
There are usually many people waiting for used Monettes to show up on the marketplace. If you find one, don’t wait to buy it.
Which Monette Trumpets are the Most Popular?
Four Monette designs are trendy in the trumpet community.
These are their best-selling horns, and each has its advantages.
The MF STC Bb trumpet is great for hitting high notes. It easily plays a double C better than any other Monette trumpet. This is also a lighter horn.
The XLT STC is popular because of its ability to blend well with other trumpet players. Some players don’t love Monette trumpets because of their dark sound and projection. This model fixes that concern.
You’ll find that the XLT has a conventional weight. This is the most similar to other brands of professional trumpets.
The P3 STC is popular because Wynton Marsalis played this model for years. It has a large bell, around 5.75 inches, giving it a big sound. It’s not too heavy but has the advantages of a heavier horn.
Many trumpet players love this horn because it is forgiving. It’s tough to miss notes on a P3 STC.
The RAJNA 3 has a unique design. It was manufactured with lightweight sheet bracing, which gives notes more definition. This model is easy to hold and has a stable, deep sound.
How Much is My Monette Trumpet Worth?
If you have a Monette trumpet, it likely cost between $10,000 and $20,000.
Monettes are extremely popular, so you’ll be able to sell your trumpet if you’d like to. However, it may not sell for what you paid.
Pre-owned Monette trumpets generally do not sell for their brand-new price tag. Monettes are custom-made for each player, so other trumpet players may not be interested in the specifications of your Monette.
You can probably sell your Monette for half its retail value. A $10,000 Monette will likely sell for $5,000.
However, the Monette is highly valued, and you may be able to sell your trumpet for more.
Because Monettes have a long waiting list, many trumpet players want to buy a pre-owned model.
Final Thoughts
Monette is a highly-rated trumpet brand that produces costly trumpet models.
They seem to be a luxury brand that only elite trumpet players buy. Monette trumpets are 10 times more expensive than other brands, but most professional trumpet players love them.
Because they are custom-built, you know that each Monette trumpet is high-quality. Other brands mass produce their instruments, leading to imperfections in quality.
If you can afford to buy a Monette trumpet, you probably won’t regret getting one. They are popular for a reason. You’ll find that Monette trumpets have a rich, dark tone and a great intonation across a wide range.
Monette trumpets aren’t ideal for beginner or intermediate players. You should only consider a Monette if you are a professional player dissatisfied with other well-known brands.
We’d suggest starting on a Bach Stradivarius first. If you don’t like it, you can always save enough money to have your own Monette.